Some Brief Information on Walkie Talkies
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Licensed and Unlicensed Walkie Talkies
Walkie talkies come in two basic types. One type is referred to as licensed, while the other type is referred to as unlicensed. A "licensed" set of walkie talkies will transmit conversations over a radio frequency that has been isolated and designated specifically for that particular set of walkie talkies. This type of walkie talkie would be the type that you would see a pit crew at a car race communicating with their driver with.
Three Reasons to Choose Walkie Talkies
Right Off an Electronics Store Shelf
Unlicensed Walkie Talkies would be the type of walkie talkie that you can buy off the shelf at any electronics store. While there is an extremely small chance of it, you can run into situations with unlicensed walkie talkies where unrelated walkie talkie users using completely different walkie talkies can over ride each other and cause a confusing situation. This is precisely the reason why licensed walkie talkies are available for professionals who can't afford the risk of these types of situations.
Always a Place for Walkie Talkies
The advent of the mobile phone took the place of the walkie talkie for a good many people over the years that the cell phone has been in use. However; there will always be situations and places where a set of walkie talkies can't be replaced. For instance, hunters and outdoors men use them to communicate with each other in desolate areas where cell phone reception is unavailable. Also, walkie talkies don't have a time delay while a call goes through, which is a benefit in commercial situations.
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